Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Chapter 3: College Years

I started college at the University of Minnesota a year after Matt.  We both lived in Middlebrook Hall on the west campus.  My random roommate, Jamie, ended up being super awesome, and we lived with her years 3 and 4 too.  During those years, Ali started playing frisbee and got excited about microbiology and technical maps, Matt learned about business and engaged in tech projects, and both of us explored, grew, and learned.  Four years later, I left with a bachelors and Matt with a masters.

Twice-a-year ski trips to Colorado with friends and family were a highlight.

In the summer of 2006, Matt, Jamie, and I spent a month travelling around Europe.

In my senior year, I applied to graduate schools in Boulder, Seattle, and the Bay Area (all places with job prospects for Matt and skiing nearby).  I settled on CU in Boulder, and we decided to move out together.  But first, I deferred admission for a year and went to China.

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